• Kara Gracelets booth prayer
  • Darren Gracelets booth prayer
  • Kara Gracelets booth prayer
  • Gracelets booth prayer
  • Gracelets booth prayer
  • Gracelets booth prayer

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14

  • To Share God's Love and True Character

    We create tangible expressions of God's word to spread the unfailing, unconditional love of God and enforce your identity as His beloved child!

  • To Populate Heaven

    Our jewelry is designed to scatter the good news around the world, like seeds, and to gather others into the Kingdom of God! Through jewelry? Why not! The true reward of ministry is not fortune or fame but the souls of those we can influence for the glory of God.

  • To Create Encounters with God

    A man with an argument about God, has nothing against a man with an encounter with God.  We believe and pray that each bible verse is an invitation into a relational encounter with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

  • To Heal Hearts and Give Back

    Loving the one adds up!  One by one, we personally pray for hundreds of people each year and we donate thousands of dollars every year to help rescue and restore women out of sex trafficking. 

Kara Diehl Gracelets Founder Owner Creator

About Kara

Designer of gracelets

Hello. My name is Kara Diehl and I love designing jewelry that shares God's word!  My desire is to create connection and open a dialogue to share transparently about our faith.  Gracelets are a bridge. When a woman reaches out her hand to another, and begins to share the Gracelet on her wrist, that's when it happens!  Connection.  Transparency.  Sharing of hearts.  Walls are broken down.  Truth is declared. Hearts are healed and God is in the midst.  I LOVE watching the power of God's spoken word.  You never know how you may reach someone's heart for eternity just by sharing a bracelet from your wrist!

  • You're lookin' at a Miracle!

    I receive so many messages and phone calls from my customers thanking me for what I do, yet I'm so very grateful to be able to do it!  My passion is to speak into broken, hurting souls, especially young girls and women and fill them with God's truth about their identity and worth.  Having overcome much darkness, I am proof that God uses "ALL things for good" and turns darkness into light.  God truly preserved my life and created beauty from the ashes through Gracelets.  I love to tell people who think they have never seen a miracle, "You're lookin' at one!  It is through God's extravagant grace that I am alive to share Jesus with others."

  • Human Trafficking Ministry

    I'm often asked which bracelet is my favorite. I can honestly say I love them all, but I most enjoy using the powerful scriptures in the Child of God Bracelet.  Working in a safe house for sex trafficking victims, I came face to face with the desperate cry of women for true love and identity and I use the scriptures from the Child of God bracelet daily.  We work with Redeemed Ministries to help rescue and restore women out of sex trafficking. ​ To learn more about Redeemed and the trafficking ministry, visit www.redeemedtx.org/what-we-do

  • About Our Name

    Yes, Gracelets are Grace Bracelets but so much more!  The meaning of the word for gifts in the Bible, charismata, is "gracelets" or "grace gifts".  Grace-lets are God's gifts of grace distributed by the Holy Spirit for the building up and nurturing of the body of Christ.  Specifically, these bracelets are bridges to Heaven through the spoken word by sharing God's love and truth with others.  With our mouths we speak life, or death.  Gracelets are tools to speak LIFE! Of course, in 2011, my ten-year-old son Max and I didn't know any of this when we were brainstorming for a name one day in our living room.  I began to brainstorm out loud ..."Faith bracelets, faith-lets, scripture bracelets, God-lets..."  He looked up from his DS game and said "duh Mom, GRACE-lets!"  Neither of us knew then that God would use these little bracelets to spread His love and truth to thousands in five continents over the globe.  See our amazing customer testimonials page.

Kara Darren Gracelets marriage joy

About Kara & Darren

In a God set-up in 2021, Darren and Kara met and instantly fell in love!   Darren quickly came alongside her in running Gracelets and soon began designing a long-awaited line for men.  Customers have asked Kara for a men's line for years and in God's perfect timing and goodness, He abundantly provided!  We hope you enjoy his meaningful designs and you can be sure that this is only the beginning! 

Kara is a writer, speaker, trained inner healing minister and a ministry school leader at her local church in Houston.  Her designs are exclusive and available only on-line or at a limited number of shows in Texas and Louisiana. 

Darren is a United States Air Force veteran, lover of Jesus and the outdoors, enjoys creating abstract paintings and has a tender, joyful, father's heart for others.  When you hear Darren's voice, it won't be surprising to learn that he is a voiceover artist.  Alongside Kara, he is a ministry school leader at his church in Houston, TX.  He loves to share the heart of God and believes that all men have a daily spiritual battle to fight.  He longed to use his creativity to design a daily reminder that would encourage men with great promises of a fiercely loving God.  Through his men's line, he was able to combine his military experience and artistic abilities with scripture, to create just that in the Warrior Line for Men.

Kara and Darren have a beautifully blended family of 3 sons, Keene, Adam and Max and one daughter Kirsten, mother of their first grandson, Calum, and are now called "Happy" and "Glammy"!  They live in Texas with their two fur baby kitties, Sir Oliver and MiLady Jewels.